BEFORE YOU BEGIN This feature may be hidden in your Autotask instance because it is not activated. If so, you can activate it on the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Activations page. Refer to Activations.
About Autotask expense reports
In almost any business, employees occasionally incur expenses that must be reimbursed by the organization. There is certainly no shortage of tools to assist you with this.
Autotask also includes an expense tracking tool.

With Autotask expense reports, you can:
- Configure expense limits and reimbursement rules for the entire organization, a department or an individual
- Assign expense report approvers
- Users can track their expenses in Autotask, and either generate a printed expense report or submit expenses electronically
- Scan receipts and attach them to the expense report electronically, which simplifies expense reporting by remote employees
In addition to these standard features, Autotask lets you:
- Associate expenses with a customer, and factor them into organization, contract and project profitability
- Include expenses that can be billed back to the customer on customer invoices, and export them to your accounting software
- Transfer expense reports to QuickBooks to reimburse your employees
- If Multi-currency is enabled, users can track their expenses in the currency they were incurred, and Autotask will convert everything into your internal currency for reimbursement.
To learn about expense reporting in Autotask, review the following topics:
All users
Searching and managing expense reports
This topic shows you how to find and manage expense reports.
Adding and managing expense reports
This topic shows you how to create expense reports and manage your existing expense reports.
Approving or rejecting expense reports
If you're an expense report approvers, you'll want to know how you can approve or reject the expense reports submitted to you.
Finding a report on expense reports
This is where you'll find reports on Expense reports.
Configuring expense reporting
Learn how to add expense report approvers and expense categories.