Team walls

NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Home > View > Team Walls
BEFORE YOU BEGIN This feature may be hidden in your Autotask instance because it is not activated. If so, you can activate it on the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Activations page. Refer to Activations.
If you and a group of co-workers with a common interest want to share information within the company, you can create a Team Wall. Every company has a default company team wall. And, whether they are strictly business or based on personal interests, the number and types of additional team walls will depend on your company.
Resources can choose to follow team wall postings in their Profile News Feed. When you follow a team, all postings and conversations for that team show up on your news feed.
A team can be public or private. Anyone can follow a public team. Private teams and their postings are only visible to resources invited to follow the team, with the exception of System Administrators who have access to all teams.

It's easy to follow a team.
- In the list of teams on your Team Wall page, hover over a team that interests you and click Follow Team.
- To stop following a team, hover over that team in the list of teams and click Stop Following.
Not sure you want to follow a team? Or just interested in an occasional update? You can visit the team's wall.
- Click the team name in the list of teams to go directly to the team's wall.
NOTE If you don't see the team wall listed, it's a private team and you must be invited to follow it.

Any resource can start a team wall. You can start one for your department, for remote resources, for a company fundraising effort - any group with a need to share information.
- You create a team wall from the Team Walls page: Left Navigation Menu > Home > Team Walls. Click New, complete the form, and then Save.
NOTE If your team wall is private, you also have to invite your co-workers to follow the team. You can return to the team wall at any time to do this. Refer to Inviting co-workers to follow the team wall.
The resource who creates a team wall becomes the team wall leader. The team wall leader can edit the wall information, invite and remove followers, re-assign the leadership, change the wall photo, and delete the wall. For details, refer to Managing and deleting a team wall.

Only the team wall leader can invite co-workers to follow the team. When you invite a co-worker, the team's postings will automatically begin to appear in the co-worker's News Feed.
For private teams, this is the only option for co-workers to see the team postings. Private teams do not appear on the Team Wall page of resources who have not been invited to follow the team.
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- To invite co-workers to follow your team wall, click Manage Followers under the team wall name.
- In the list of co-workers, locate the co-workers that you want to invite. Hover over the line to display the Invite button and click.
The co-worker can choose to stop following the team at any time.
- To un-invite a co-worker, follow the steps above. When you hover over the co-worker's line, click the Remove button
When you remove a co-worker who is following your wall, the postings for the team will stop displaying in the News Feed of that co-worker. If the team is a public team, that co-worker can choose to start following the team again. If the team is a private team, the team will not be visible in Autotask.

A team wall Leader or a System Administrator can do the following:
- Manage followers
Click Manage Followers to invite co-workers to follow the team wall and, if needed, remove followers. If you remove a follower from a private team wall, that person can no longer access the team wall. Refer to Inviting co-workers to follow the team wall.
- Edit the team wall information
Click Edit Wall to change the team wall name, description, and public/private setting and select a different team wall leader. If you are the team wall leader and you select a new leader, once you save your changes you will no longer be able to access the team wall management features, unless you are a System Administrator.
- Upload or change the team photo
Do this exactly as you would do your own photo. Click Change Photo, browse for the image file and click Upload. If it looks good in the preview, click OK.
- Delete the team wall
If your team wall is no longer active, the team leader can delete it. When you delete a team wall, you delete all the postings. There is no record of the postings. Only the current Wall Leader or a System Administrator can delete a wall.
To delete a team wall, open the wall and click Delete Wall (under the team wall name).