My Time Off Requests

SECURITY All users who are entitled to paid time off
NAVIGATION My > Timesheets > Time Off Requests or Left Navigation Menu > Timesheets > My > Time Off Requests or open the Time Summary Page and click New Time Off Request
About the My Time Off Requests page
Autotask includes a time off policy management feature that enables your company to track employee time off benefits. Up to four different time categories can be enabled and customized, and both allotment and accrual policies are supported. Refer to Time off policies.
For each category, your company can determine if you can just enter the time off into your timesheet or whether you must seek prior approval. If approval is necessary, you will need to submit a time off request to your timesheet approver. If approved, the time off request is automatically entered into your timesheet.
EXAMPLE Typically, approval will be required for Vacation, but is not necessary for Sick Time, since it is assumed that you do not plan to be sick.
If you are a tier one timesheet approver for yourself, your time off request is automatically approved.
If your Autotask administrator has enabled the Proxy Time Entry system setting, users who can enter time for other resources can also create time off requests for other users. Refer to Submitting a time off request for another user.

At the top of the page, you will see the following buttons and fields:
Field | Description |
New |
Click New to open the Submit Time Off Request page. Refer to Submitting a time off request. |
Year |
This filter defaults to the current year. Click the drop-down selector to select a different year. |
Resource |
This filter defaults to your own name. Administrators can click the drop-down selector to view the time off requests of resources they are the timesheet approvers for. |
Show/Hide Canceled Requests |
This filter allows you to either show or hide canceled requests. |

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Click New. The Submit Time Off Request page will open.
The upper portion of the page displays a summary of your current time-off hours for up to four categories like vacation, sick time, etc.
NOTE Your Autotask administrator may have renamed the categories.
Type Definition Annual Allowance The total number of hours you were granted at the beginning of the year, plus any additional and rollover time.
This field is grayed out if your company uses time accrual instead of allotment.Earned (Year to Date) (Accrual only) The number of hours you have earned this year, based on the accrual rules of your time off policy. Used Hours entered on your timesheet and/or approved for dates today and earlier. Planned Hours entered on your timesheet and/or approved for dates in the future. Waiting Approval Hours submitted for time off but not yet approved for dates in the future. Available Balance
The Available Balance is equal to the Annual Allowance, minus any hours that were used, planned, or waiting approval.
Accrual Cap (Accrual only) The maximum number of hours you can accrue before accrual is stopped. Only displayed if you are associated with an accrual policy and have met the cap.
- Fill in the time off request fields.
Field Function Type* Select the type of time-off request. Start Date* Indicate the date of a single-day request, or the first date of a request for a range of days. NOTE If used with an End Date, this date must be earlier. If a request spans a weekend, Saturday and Sunday will be included in the request.
End Date Use only to indicate the last date of a request for a range of days. Leave this field blank for single-day requests. NOTE This must be used with the Start Date field and it must be later than the Start Date.
NOTE You cannot request time off for a date that falls within a timesheet that has already been submitted.
Hours per Day* Specify the number of hours (per day) you are requesting. This value cannot exceed 24.
NOTE You can enter a negative number up to -24 to add time to your time off balances to, for example, account for overtime work. This will give the user time off that they could take later.
Requested Hours
The total number of hours the user is requesting, calculated from the number of days multiplied by the number of hours. This is the number of hours that will be subtracted from the Annual Allowance.
Exclude Saturdays & Sundays This check box is enabled and selected by default if the requested date range includes a weekend day. It allows you to request time off on Saturdays and Sundays, days that are normally off automatically. To request time off hours on weekends, clear this check box.
Exclude Holidays This check box is enabled and selected by default if the requested date range includes a company holiday as defined in the Holiday Set associated with the resource's internal location. It enables you to request time off on holidays, days that are normally off automatically.
To request time off hours on holidays, clear this check box.Start Time, End Time Depending on your security setting, these fields may be required. Enter the start and end time of your requested time off. Your requested time will appear on your calendar and Dispatch Calendar.
Time Zone This field is visible to an Administrator or Timesheet Approver entering a time off request for a resource in a different time zone. Select the time zone in which the times display. Reason Optionally, provide a reason for the request.
- Click one of the Save options.
Save options
Save Option Result Save & Close Submits the request and closes the page. Save & Copy Submits the request and refreshes the page. The Type, Hours per Day, and Reason fields will be pre-populated with data from the previous request. The From Date and To Date fields are blank. Save & New Submits the request and opens blank page for a new request.

Each requested day will be displayed as an individual line item on the Time Off Request page.
A notification will be automatically sent to your timesheet approvers. When your request is approved or rejected, you will be notified by email.
If approved, the status will be automatically updated on the My Time Off Requests page, and the requested time off will automatically appear on your timesheet.
The following fields appear only on the My Time Off Requests page:
Type | Definition |
Request Date |
The date of the day that was requested. |
Request Day |
The day of the week that was requested. |
Start Time/End Time |
Displays the start and end times in the viewer's time zone. |
Start Date/Time - End Time (in Resource's Time Zone) |
Displays the start and end times in the resource's time zone. |
Status |
Can be one of the following:
Approved/Rejected By |
The name of the timesheet approver who approved or rejected the request. |
Rejected Reason |
If a request was rejected, the reason that was given. |
Balance (Before/AfterPending Requests |
Shows the balace for the type of time off request before and after any pending requests. |

Time-off requests cannot be edited or deleted, but they can be canceled.
- To cancel a time-off request, select Cancel Time Off Request from the context menu.
The request will remain in the table, and the Status column will be updated to Canceled.
You can submit another request for the date of the canceled request.
NOTE To filter out canceled time off requests, clear the Show Canceled check box.

If your Autotask administrator has enabled proxy time entry, and you can enter time for other users, you can also enter a time off request for other users. Refer to Proxy time entry.
Whether or not Proxy Time Entry is enabled, if you are a timesheet approver you can submit a time off request for any user whose timesheets you approve. Timesheet approvers must do this from the My Time Summary page.
Your My Time Off Requests page or My Time Summary page (timesheet approvers only), includes an additional menu at the top of the page. This menu lists all the users for whom you can enter a time off request.
- Select the name of a user.
The list displays that user's current time off requests.
- Click New Time Off Request to open the Time Off Request page, populated with the selected user's name.
- Complete the form and submit as described above.
NOTE If you submit a time off request for another user and you are a tier 1 timesheet approver for that user, the time off request is automatically approved. If you are a tier 1 timesheet approver for yourself, a time off request that you submit for yourself is automatically approved.