Factors that determine hourly rates

The billing rate is influenced by four factors:

  • Whether the time entry is billable or non-billable
  • The role selected for the labor entry, which has an associated billing rate
  • The billing contract
  • Rate adjustments configured for the work type 

How the contract type determines billing workflows

The rate is determined as follows:

  No Contract T&M Contract Fixed Price Contract Block Hour Contract Retainer Contract Recurring Services Contract
Non-billable Work Type Hourly Billing Rate = 0.00 Hourly Billing Rate = 0.00 Transaction is in folder "Approve and Post Labor" but is non-billable Hourly Billing rate shows dash (-); No time is deducted from Block Hourly Billing Rate = 0.00; no money is deducted from Retainer Purchase Hourly Billing Rate shows dash (-)
Billable Time Entry Default role rate is applied Contract Role rate is applied. Transaction is in folder "Approve and Post Labor" but is non-billable Hourly Billing rate shows dash (-); Hours to bill are deducted from available Block according to block hour multipliers Contract Role rate is applied; money is deducted from available Retainer Purchase according to contract rate Hourly Billing rate shows dash (-)
Work Type Rate Adjustment Work type role rate adjustment is applied to default role rate Work type role rate adjustment is applied to contract role rate. Adjusted rate is applied. Transaction is in folder "Approve and Post Labor" but is non-billable Hourly Billing rate shows dash (-); Hours to bill are deducted from available Block according to block hour multipliers. Block hour multipliers compound work type rate adjustment. For example, Hours to Bill * Contract Block Hour Multiplier or Admin Role block hour multiplier * Multiplier. Work type role rate adjustment is applied to contract role rate. Adjusted rate is applied; money is deducted from available Retainer Purchase according to adjusted contract rate. Hourly Billing rate shows dash (-)