Reports on project tasks and notes

SECURITY  Refer to Required Permission for each report

NAVIGATION  Refer to Path for each report. Note that LiveReports may be published to any report category or multiple report categories, or may not be published at all in your Autotask instance. To publish a LiveReport, refer to Publishing LiveReports.

Standard reports

My Project Notes

Required Permission All users can see their own notes; users with object permissions to view all notes will see other users' notes.
Path > Home > Reports > My Project Notes
Description Project notes entered by the logged in user, for the selected date range and note type.

Overdue tasks

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Projects category and View Projects permission
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Projects >  Tasks section
Projects Dashboard > My Projects Summary > Overdue Tasks
Description Tasks across projects you have permission to view, that are overdue or at risk of becoming overdue. You can modify which columns display on the report.

Task metrics by resource

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Projects category and View Projects permission
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Projects >  Tasks section
Description Compares individual resources' performance against estimates at the task level.

Task metrics by work type

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Projects category and View Projects permission
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Projects >  Tasks section
Description Compares performance against estimates at the work type level for a specified date range.


Pending and overdue project tasks

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Executive category (assigned to default System Administrator and Manager security levels)
Can be published to additional security levels, departments, or resources.

> Reports > Report Categories > Executive >  Projects section

Or LiveReports section on "published to" category tab

Description Project tasks that are pending and overdue.

Tasks by project

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Projects tab > LiveReports
Description This report shows tasks grouped by organization and project name.

Tasks by resource

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.
Path > Reports > Projects tab > LiveReports
> Reports > Resources tab > LiveReports
Description Report used to show tasks by both primary and secondary resources.
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