Reports on ticket metrics and SLA performance

SECURITY  Refer to Required Permission for each report

NAVIGATION  Refer to Path for each report. Note that LiveReports may be published to any report category or multiple report categories, or may not be published at all in your Autotask instance. To publish a LiveReport, refer to Publishing LiveReports.

Standard reports

SLA performance by SLA

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Executive category or Service Desk category: Service Level Management must be enabled in Autotask.
Users without Ticket View permission will see only a ticket number.
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Executive >  Service Desk section
> Reports > Report Categories > Service Desk >  Ticket Resolution Performance section
Description Service level agreement performance data for the selected filter criteria, grouped by Organization. This includes actual performance vs. goal for the First Response, Resolution Plan, and Resolved events.

SLA performance by ticket

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Executive category or Service Desk category: Service Level Management must be enabled in Autotask.
Users without Ticket View permission will only see a ticket number.

> Reports > Report Categories > Executive >  Service Desk section

> Reports > Report Categories > Service Desk >  Ticket Resolution Performance section

Description Service level agreement performance data by ticket, grouped by organization. This report includes the number of SLA hours it took to achieve the First Response, Resolution Plan, and Resolved events and tells you if you met your SLA objectives.

SLA hours are the hours, specified by the SLA, during which service is available to work towards meeting SLA goals. For example, SLA hours might be the same as regular business hours, or the SLA can set any arrangement of extended hours and even include holidays. This report calculates only time entered during the time frame specified by the SLA; it does not include time entered on SLA tickets outside of SLA hours. For example, If all work for any SLA objective occurs outside of the SLA hours, in this report total hours for that objective will display as 0.

NOTE  SLA data is available in the LiveReports Service Desk > *Ticket sub-category. All SLA Events, their due dates and times, actual hours, and whether the SLA was met are exposed.

Ticket metrics by issue type

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Service Desk category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Service Desk >  Ticket Resolution Performance section
Description Number of open and closed tickets by Issue/Sub-Issue type over a specified date range.

Ticket metrics by queue

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Service Desk category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Service Desk >  Ticket Resolution Performance section
Description Various ticket metrics, sorted by queue, for tickets received in the selected date range.

Ticket metrics by resource

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Service Desk category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Service Desk >  Ticket Resolution Performance section
Description Various ticket metrics, sorted by resource, for tickets received in the selected date range.

Weekly ticket metrics by ticket source

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Service Desk category
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Service Desk >  Ticket Resolution Performance section
Description Various ticket metrics, by day of the week, for the selected week.
• Total Tickets show all tickets that were created that week
• Total Closed includes all tickets from that week that were closed
• Total Open Now include all tickets from this week that are still open


Closed Ticket Performance

Required Permission Security level with access to Reports > Executive category (assigned to default System Administrator and Manager security levels)
May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources.

Reports respect ticket security. Permission to view a ticket is required for it to be included in a report. Refer to Service Desk security settings.
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Executive >  Service Desk section
Description This report displays a recap of completed tickets. It includes the option to filter by date completed.

Completed Ticket performance by Issue Type

Required Permission Administrator or Manager security level. May be published to other security levels, departments, or resources. Users without Ticket View permission will only see a ticket number.
Path > Reports > Report Categories > Service Desk >  LiveReports
Description This report displays an issue type recap of completed tickets. The option to filter by date completed is available.
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