Mapping a new lead partner

The first time you accept a ticket from a new lead partner, the Lead Partner Administration page opens to allow you to map that lead partner to an organization in your Autotask instance.

You only need to map the lead partner the first time you accept a ticket from that partner.

IMPORTANT   Mapping the lead partner to the correct organization in your Autotask instance is critical for billing and report generation. When you invoice the lead partner for the work you are doing on the insourced ticket, the invoice will go to the organization you select here. If you map a lead partner to the wrong Autotask organization, you must contact Autotask to correct the error.

NOTE  By default, when you create a new organization for a lead partner, the organization type is set to Partner. You may want to set the organization type to Customer, so you can search for lead partners by name on the Approve & Post pages. Alternatively, create a pending billing widget for lead partners on the dashboard. Refer to Setting up billing for insourced labor.

How to...