Device widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
Datto Devices - Total Storage The three gauges in this widget show total storage used by Datto BCDR devices in Protected Space, Used Space, and Offsite Space. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices by Account This widget shows the count of active managed Datto BCDR devices by account. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices by Last Check-In Week This widget displays the count of Datto BCDR devices by the week of the last successful check-in during the last six weeks. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices by Product This widget shows you the count of active Datto BCDR devices by product. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices by Disk Usage Get an instant read on the count of active Datto BCDR devices that are reaching disk capacity. The three gauges on this widget show the number of devices with disks 80 to 90 % full, over 90 to 95% full, and over 95% full. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices Installed By Month (Drive Errors) This widget shows the count of drive errors per installation month for active Datto BCDR devices installed in the last three months. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices Waiting Contract Review Which of your active Datto BCDR devices should be reviewed for possible contracts? This widget shows which Datto devices are not under contract and have not been reviewed for a contract. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices Warranty Expiration What active Datto BCDR devices have recently fallen out of warranty and which ones will be out of warranty soon? This widget shows Datto devices whose warranty has expired, will expire in the current month, and will expire next month. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices with Highest % Used Space Which Datto BCDR devices are using the highest % of space, and what account are they associated with? This table lists the product and account name of the 25 devices with the highest percentage of space used. For each device, the table displays the available space, used space, and percentage of used space. Devices Datto Devices
Datto Devices with Lowest NIC Speed Which Datto BCDR devices have the slowest NIC speed and what accounts are they associated with? This table lists the 25 devices with the lowest NIC speed in mbps, by partner, and displays the devices' ZFS versions, Kernel versions, and NIC speed (mbps). Devices Datto Devices
Desktops & Laptops by Operating System This widget provides a breakdown of active managed desktops and laptops from Datto RMM, by operating system. Devices Datto RMM Devices
Expiring Warranties What devices have recently fallen out of warrant and which ones will be out of warranty soon? This widget shows devices whose warranty expired in the last 30 days, and those that will expire in the next 60 days. Access the device's details in one click. Devices No tabs
Incremental Datto Devices by Month This widget shows you the count of active Datto BCDR managed devices created during each of the last three months and the current month, by device type. Devices Datto Devices
Incremental Devices by Month This widget shows you the count of active managed devices created by the Datto RMM integration during each of the last three months and the current month, by device type. Devices Datto RMM Devices
Managed Device Installations by Manufacturer This widget shows you the count of active managed devices created by the Datto RMM integration during each of the last three months and the current month, by manufacturer. Devices Datto RMM Devices
Managed Devices by Device Type What types of devices are you managing? This widget provides a quick glance at the distribution of active managed devices from Datto RMM by device type. Devices Datto RMM Devices
Managed Devices by Manufacturer This widget provides a breakdown of active managed devices from Datto RMM, by manufacturer. Devices Datto RMM Devices
Missing Patches (Count of Missing Patches) How many missing patches do you have across your customer base? How many of those are on servers vs. workstations (desktops and laptops)? This widget gives you the breakdown of total missing patches. Devices No tabs
Most Missing Patches by Account Which of your accounts have devices with the most missing patches? This widget shows you the top five accounts. Devices No tabs
New Devices Waiting Contract Review This widget provides a breakdown of active managed devices from Datto RMM, by device type, that need to be reviewed for contract. Devices Datto RMM Devices
Managed Devices by Software Management Status This widget provides a breakdown of active managed devices from Datto RMM by software management status. Devices Datto RMM Devices
Managed Devices by Antivirus Status This widget provides a breakdown of active managed devices from Datto RMM by antivirus status. Devices Datto RMM Devices
Managed Devices by Patch Status This widget provides a breakdown of active managed devices from Datto RMM by patch status. Devices Datto RMM Devices