Invoice Items widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
Amount Invoiced vs. Goal This widget shows you how close you are to your invoicing goal for this month, and how close you were for last month. By default, this is based on a 100,000 monthly goal but you can adjust your thresholds accordingly. Invoice Items No tabs
Items Ready to Invoice by Contract Type This widget shows you the distribution of items ready to invoice, by contract type (including items with no contract association). You may drill into a grouping and generate invoices immediately. Invoice Items No tabs
Items Ready to Invoice by Customer This widget shows you the distribution of items ready to invoice, by customer. You may drill into a grouping and generate invoices immediately. If the billing item is billing to a parent organization, it will be grouped under the parent organization. Invoice Items No tabs
Items Ready to Invoice by Project This widget shows you the distribution of items ready to invoice, by project. You may drill into a grouping and generate invoices immediately. Invoice Items No tabs
Items Ready to Invoice by Type This widget shows you the distribution of items ready to invoice, by item type. You may drill into a grouping and generate invoices immediately. Invoice Items No tabs
Top 10 Customers with Unpaid Invoices, by Month Which of your customers owe you the most money? This widget gives you a breakdown of unpaid invoices by month, then by customer, for the last 6 months and the current month. If the billing item is billing to a parent organization, it will be grouped under the parent organization. Invoice Items No tabs
Top 25 Customers with Unpaid Invoices What is the value of your outstanding invoices? This widget shows you your top customers based on how much they owe you. If the billing item is billing to a parent organization, it will be grouped under the parent organization. Invoice Items No tabs
Top Block Hour Consumers Month to Date Which customers are consuming the most block hours? This widget shows you your top customers based on block hour consumption, this month. If the billing item is hitting a parent organization contract, it will be grouped under the parent organization. Invoice Items No tabs
Top Retainer Consumers Month to Date Which customers are consuming the greatest retainer amount? This widget shows you your top customers based on retainer consumption, this month. If the billing item is hitting a parent organization contract, it will be grouped under the parent organization. Invoice Items No tabs