Opportunities widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
Active Opportunities Projected to Close Last Month Are your sales people setting realistic projected close dates? Are certain sales people forgetting to close their opportunities in Autotask? This table shows the top opportunities that were projected to close last month, but for whatever reason, are still active. Opportunities Sales History
Bottom 5 Sales Reps (Closed Last 90 Days) Who are your organization's worst performing salespeople over the last 90 days? This widget shows you your bottom five sales people based on total revenue closed during the last 90 days. Opportunities Sales History
Bottom 5 Sales Reps (Closed this Month) Who are your organization's worst performing salespeople this month? This widget shows your bottom five sales people based on total revenue closed in the current month. Opportunities Sales Manager
Bottom 5 Sales Reps (Projected this Month) Who are your organization's worst prospecting salespeople this month? This widget shows your five sales people based on total revenue projected to close in the current month. Opportunities Sales Manager
Closed Opportunities by Territory (Last 90 Days) Which of your organization's Sales territories have historically been your best performers? This widget shows the distribution of closed opportunities across your territories for the last 90 days. Opportunities Sales History
Closed Opportunity Comparison How do your sales numbers for this month look compared to last month? How does this month look compared to the same time last year? These three gauges show you the total revenue amount for opportunities closed in the current month, the previous month, and the current month for the prior year. Opportunities Sales History
My Closed Opportunities What were your personal best sales months in the last year? This widget shows the count of opportunities you closed each month and the total revenue amount for each month. Opportunities No tabs
My Opportunities Closed by Month Are you closing more opportunities than you were a few months ago? This widget shows the trend of your closed opportunity revenue for the last three months so you can see if you are trending in the right direction. Opportunities Sales Person
My Opportunities Closed this Month by Organization Which of your customers/prospects have had the highest opportunity revenue closed this month? This widget shows the distribution of your closed opportunities across your accounts for the current month. Opportunities Sales Person
My Opportunities Closed this Month by Revenue Type What does your overall new revenue picture look like this month? These three gauges show the total revenue, monthly revenue, and one-time revenue that you have closed in the current month. Opportunities Sales Person
My Opportunities Closing this Month by Organization Which of your customers/prospects have a lot of activity expected to close this month? This widget shows the distribution of your forecasted opportunities across your accounts for the current month. NOTE: This widget does not include opportunities that have already been closed. Opportunities Sales Person
My Opportunities Closing this Month by Probability What opportunities do you really expect to close this month? This widget shows opportunity revenue projected to close in the current month, grouped by probability bands. Opportunities Sales Person
My Opportunities this Month How productive have you been this month? Two gauges show the revenue amount for opportunities that you closed this month vs. quota, and the revenue forecasted from your remaining active opportunities projected to close this month. Opportunities Sales Person
My Opportunity Summary (This Month) Do you know the value of the opportunities you have won and lost this month? three gauges give you a quick look at the value of the opportunities that you have already closed in the current month, that you have forecasted to close in the current month, and that you have lost in the current month. Opportunities My Work
My Recently Closed Opportunities Are you closing enough business? This widget shows the trend of closed opportunity revenue for the last 7 days so you can see if you are trending in the right direction. It also gives you an easy way to find "that opportunity" you closed three days ago. Opportunities Sales Person
My Sales Funnel this Month (Total Revenue) What stages are your opportunities in and what can you realistically expect to close this month? This sales funnel shows the projected revenue amount for your opportunities currently in each opportunity stage. Opportunities Sales Person
My Top Opportunities Closing this Month What are the big sales opportunities that you can’t afford to lose? This widget lists the top opportunities, by total revenue amount, that you expect to close in the current month. Click an opportunity to access its details. Opportunities Sales Person
Opportunities Closed by Market (Last 90 Days) Which of your organization's market segments have historically been your strongest for sales? This widget shows the distribution of closed opportunities across your territories for the last 90 days. Opportunities Sales History
Opportunities Closed by Month (Revenue & Count) Is your sales team closing bigger sales opportunities now than they were three months ago? This widget shows the trend of opportunity revenue amount closed by month and the count of opportunities closed by month. Opportunities Sales History
Opportunities Closed this Month by Revenue Type What does your organization's overall new revenue picture look like this month? This widget shows you the total revenue, monthly revenue, and one-time revenue that your sales team has closed in the current month. Opportunities Sales Manager
Opportunities Closed this Month by Territory Which of your Sales territories are your organization's top performers this month? This widget shows the distribution of closed opportunities across your territories for the current month. Opportunities Sales Manager
Opportunities Closed this Month vs. Quota by Revenue Type Is your sales team on track to meet its sales quotas this month? The gauges on this comprehensive widget show progress towards quota for total revenue, as well as each of the five advanced opportunity fields. Opportunities No tabs
Opportunities Closing this Month How have your organization's sales opportunities been rated (Hot, Warm, Cold) and what can you realistically expect to close this month? This widget shows the total potential revenue for opportunities in each of these three ratings. Opportunities No tabs
Opportunities Closing this Month by Probability What opportunities does your sales team really expect to close this month? This widget shows opportunity revenue projected to close in the current month, grouped by probability bands. Opportunities Sales Manager
Opportunities Closing this Month by Territory Which of your organization's Sales territories are expecting to do well this month and which ones are not? This widget shows the distribution of forecasted opportunities across your territories for the current month. NOTE: This widget does not include opportunities that have already been closed. Opportunities Sales Manager
Opportunities Lost by Reason (last 3 months) How much opportunity revenue has your organization lost over the last three months, and why was that revenue lost? This widget shows opportunity revenue lost in the past three months, grouped by month and loss reason. Opportunities No tabs
Opportunities Lost Last Month by Reason How much opportunity revenue did your organization lose last month, and for what reasons? This widget shows opportunity revenue lost last month, grouped by loss reason. Opportunities No tabs
Opportunities Lost This Month by Reason How much opportunity revenue has your organization lost this month, and for what reasons? This widget shows opportunity revenue lost in the current month, grouped by loss reason. Opportunities No tabs
Opportunities this Month How productive has your sales team been this month? The two gauges in this widget show the revenue amount for opportunities closed this month vs. quota, as well as the revenue forecasted from remaining active opportunities projected to close this month. Opportunities Owner, Sales Manager
Opportunities Won by Reason (last 3 months) How much opportunity revenue has your organization won over the last three months, and why was that revenue won? This widget shows opportunity revenue won in the past three months, grouped by month and win reason. Opportunities No tabs
Opportunities Won Last Month by Reason (Pie Chart) How much opportunity revenue did your organization win last month, and for what reasons? This widget shows opportunity revenue won last month, grouped by win reason. Opportunities No tabs
Opportunities Won This Month by Reason How much opportunity revenue has your organization won this month, and for what reasons? This widget shows opportunity revenue won in the current month, grouped by win reason. Opportunities No tabs
Opportunity Amount Closed vs. Quota (Last 90 Days) How has your sales team performed against their quota over the last few months? This widget compares total revenue from opportunities closed to sales quota for the last 90 days. Opportunities Sales History
Recently Closed Opportunities (Last 10 Days) Is your sales team closing enough business? This widget shows the trend of closed opportunity revenue for the last 10 days so you can see if your organization is trending in the right direction. It also gives you an easy way to find "that opportunity" that was closed three days ago. Opportunities Sales History
Sales Funnel this Month (Total Revenue) What stages are your organization's sales opportunities in and what can you realistically expect to close this month? This sales funnel shows the projected revenue amount for opportunities currently in each opportunity stage. Opportunities Sales Manager
Top 5 Sales Reps (Closed Last 90 Days) Who are your organization's top performing salespeople over the last 90 days? This widget shows you your top five sales people based on total revenue closed during the last 90 days. Opportunities Sales History
Top 5 Sales Reps (Closed this Month) Who are your organization's top performing salespeople this month? This widget shows you your top five sales people based on total revenue closed in the current month. Opportunities Sales Manager
Top 5 Sales Reps (Projected this Month) Who are your organization's top prospecting salespeople this month? This widget shows your top five sales people based on total revenue projected to close in the current month. Opportunities Sales Manager
Top Opportunities Closed (Last 90 Days) What are the biggest sales opportunities that your sales team has closed over the last 90 days? This widget lists the top opportunities, by total revenue amount. Click an opportunity to access its details. Opportunities Sales History
Top Opportunities Closing this Month What are the big sales opportunities that your organization can’t afford to lose? This widget lists the top opportunities, by total revenue amount, expected to close in the current month. Click an opportunity to access its details. Opportunities Sales Manager