Out of Office widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
Out of Office this Week

Where are my co-workers, for whom I am a timesheet approver? Check who in your organization will be out of the office this week. Use filters to narrow the list by Department or workgroup.
Also filter for amount of time out by daily hours out of office or days out of office, or by resource availability (for example, hours > or < resource availability).

NOTE  This widget will only display dates in the future. Absences earlier in the week are filtered out.

Out of Office Project Manager - Projects
Out this Week

Where are my employees? Check who in your organization will be out of the office this week. Use filters to narrow the list by department, workgroup, and/or timesheet approver.
Also filter for amount of time out by daily hours out of office or days out of office, or by resource availability (for example, hours > or < resource availability).

NOTE  This widget will only display dates in the future. Absences earlier in the week are filtered out.

Out of Office Owner