Pending Billing Items widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
Count of Pending Billing Items Do you have a lot of high-value billing items waiting to be posted? Are there old billing items that have fallen through the cracks? This widget shows you the count of billing items over $1000 and under $500, as well as the total number of recurring service items, that are waiting to be posted. Pending Billing Items Billing
Pending Revenue Are there billing items that need to be posted? Two gauges show the amount pending (ready to post) in the current month and the amount pending from the previous month's items that are not yet posted. A third gauge shows you any remaining pending billing items from more than two months ago. Pending Billing Items Billing
Pending Revenue by Customer Which customers have the highest value of billing items that need to be posted? This widget shows the five customers with the most pending revenue. All remaining customers are grouped as "Other". Pending Billing Items Billing
Pending Revenue by Day How does your revenue trend look over the last 30 days? This widget shows you the amount of pending revenue, based on item date, over the last 30 days. Pending Billing Items Billing
Pending Revenue by Item Type How much, and what types, of pending revenue is waiting to be posted? This widget shows the distribution of pending revenue by billing item type (ex: Labor, Charges, Milestones, etc.). Pending Billing Items Billing
Pending Revenue by Month & Contract Type What does your long-term revenue stream currently look like? This widget shows the amount of currently pending revenue by month through the end of the current year. For each month, it shows the distribution of that revenue by billing item type. Pending Billing Items Billing
Pending Revenue by Project How much pending revenue is waiting to be posted per project? This widget shows the five projects with the most pending revenue. All remaining projects are grouped as "Other". Pending Billing Items Billing
Recurring Service Revenue Forecast How healthy is your recurring service contract billing projection? This widget shows you the pending amount of billable services through the end of the current year. Pending Billing Items Finance
Top Revenue Projects (Last 3 Months) Which projects resulted in the highest total revenue over the last three months? This widget lists the top projects along with their posted revenue amount. Click a project to access its details. Pending Billing Items Finance