Posted Billing Items widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
Amount Posted Is your company's monthly billing revenue meeting your expectations? Two gauges compare the amount posted in the current month to the amount posted in the previous month. Posted Billing Items Finance
Most Profitable Accounts (Current Month) Which customers generate the highest profit (revenue minus cost)? This widget shows your top 10 customers, by profit. If you want, you can easily reverse this chart to display the 10 customers who generate the least profit. You may also adjust the widgets "Report On" to show profitability (%) instead of profit. Posted Billing Items Finance
Revenue by Contract Category (Current Month) Which contract categories are making you the most revenue and the least revenue? This widget shows you the distribution of revenue by contract category for the current month. Posted Billing Items Finance
Revenue by Contract Type (Current Month) Which contract types are making you the most revenue and the least revenue? This widget shows the distribution of revenue for the current month grouped by contract type, for example, recurring service, or time & materials. Posted Billing Items Finance
Revenue by Month What is your company's short term revenue trend? This widget shows your posted revenue trend for the last three months. Posted Billing Items Finance
Top Revenue Accounts (Current Month) Which customers generate the most revenue? This widget shows your top five customers, by revenue. If you want, you can easily reverse this chart to display the five customers who generate the least revenue. Posted Billing Items Finance
Top Revenue Accounts List (Current Month) Which customers generate the highest revenue? This widget shows your top five customers, by revenue amount, in list format. If you want, you can easily reverse this chart to display the five customers who generate the least revenue. Posted Billing Items Finance