Projects widgets

Visualization Type Widget Name Description Entity Tabs
Active Project Count & Remaining Hours by End Month How many active projects are scheduled to end in the next three months and how much work is remaining on them? This widget shows the count of projects scheduled to end each month and the total remaining hours for each month. Projects Project History
Active Project Progress What projects are behind schedule? This widget displays your active projects, along with the remaining hours and % complete (from both an hours perspective and a task perspective) of each project. Click a project to access details. Projects Project Manager-Projects
Active Projects by % Complete (Hours) Which projects are almost complete and which are far from complete? This widget shows you the distribution of active projects by the % complete (hours). Projects Project Manager-Projects
Active Projects by Department What are your most active departments? This widget shows count of active projects grouped by department. Projects Project Manager-Projects
Active Projects by Lead Who are your busiest project managers? This widget shows count of active projects grouped by lead. Projects Project Manager-Projects
Active Projects by Line of Business What are your most active lines of business? This widget shows count of active projects grouped by line of business. Projects No tabs
Active Projects by Project Type Do you have enough active projects to keep your team busy? This widget shows count of active projects by type (Proposal, Internal, Client). Projects No tabs
My Active Projects What projects should you be concerned with? This widget lists the active projects where you are a team member, and displays the project lead and status of each project. Click a project to access its details. Projects Project Team Member
My Project Remaining Hours by End Month & Status How much work is remaining on projects that were scheduled to end in the last three months or in the next three months, where you are a team member? Each column of this stacked bar chart shows you the remaining hours grouped by scheduled end month, and each bar segment represents a project status. Projects Project Team Member
New Projects (Last 30 Days) Are there any new projects that you are not aware of? This widget lists active projects that have started in the last 30 days. Click a project to open its details. Projects Project Manager-Projects
Open Projects by Status Do you have any projects that are stalled in a certain status? This widget shows you the distribution of active projects by status. Projects Project Manager-Projects
Overdue Project Metrics Are there any projects that were not finished on time? This widget shows the count of all overdue projects and the total number of hours remaining on those projects. Projects Project Manager-Projects
Overdue Projects Are there any projects that were not finished on time? This widget lists all projects that are still active, even though their end date is in the past, along with the % complete (hours) for each project. Click a project to open its details. Projects No tab
Project Remaining Hours by End Month & Status How much work is remaining on projects that were scheduled to end in the last three months or in the next three months? Each column of this stacked bar chart shows you the remaining hours grouped by scheduled end month, and each bar segment represents a project status. Projects Project History
Project Summary Do you know what your Project organization is working on? This widget provides a quick look at the number of active and overdue projects you have, as well as a count of projects that have been completed in the last 10 days. It also provides the count of projects that started in the last 10 days, projects ending in the next 10 days, and projects that have gone overdue in the last 10 days. Projects Owner
Projects Completed (Last 30 Days) Which projects have been completed recently? This widget lists the projects that have been completed in the last 30 days. Click a project to access its details. Projects Project History
Projects Completed Over/Under Estimated Hours (Last 30 Days) Are you completing your projects within the allocated time budget? This widget shows the count of projects that were completed in the last 30 days in less than 75% of the estimated hours, between 75 - 100% of the estimated hours, or over the estimated hours budget. Projects Project History
Projects Ending this Month Are there any projects at risk of not being finished on time? This widget lists all projects scheduled to end in the current month, along with the % complete (hours) for each project. Click a project to open its details. Projects Project Manager-Projects