- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Select Complete Project from the Tools dropdown menu.
- Click Next to set all tasks for this project to complete and move to the next page.
- Click to select the check box for each project charge you want to transfer into the Devices table for the organization.
Project charges can include incidental charges, like shipping, that are not appropriate for devices. Select only those items that you want to add to the organization as devices.
- If applicable, enter a Serial Number and Warranty Expiration Date.
- Click Next.
- If you want to update the Promised Fulfillment Date of an associated opportunity, check Update the Promised Fulfillment Date for the Associated Opportunity. Update the Promised Fulfillment Date field. This informs the salesperson about the project status.
To update the opportunity status to Implemented, select the check box.
- Click Next.
- To notify others that the project is completed, select resources and enter external email addresses.
- Click Next.
- Complete the notification fields. Refer to Generating a manual notification.
- Click Next.
The last page summarizes the actions that will be performed when you click Finish. In addition, the project status is set to Complete, the status date is set to the finish date, and a project note is added. "Project was set to complete." is appended to Status Detail field.
- Click Finish to complete the project.
The project status is now Complete. The project is no longer an open project.
NOTE You can locate the newly added devices on the Devices tab in the Organization page or with a devices search in CRM.