Viewing the receipt history and receipt details

When you place a purchase order with a vendor, there is no guarantee that all items will be shipped in one shipment, or invoiced on one invoice. The Receipt History and the Receipt Detail pages help you sort through multiple shipments and invoice numbers associated with the PO.

To view the receipt history for the PO, do the following:

  1. If at least one purchase order item on the PO has been received, click on the Vendor Invoice # field. The Receipt History page will open.

    Each shipment associated with the purchase order is represented by a row.
  2. To open the record of an individual shipment, click a receipt date. The Receipt Detail page will open.

    It will display all purchase order items received with this shipment, their inventory location, and links to the associated ticket, project or contract. The table data is read-only.
  3. The Vendor Invoice Number can be edited.  This will update the vendor invoice numbers on the purchase order, the purchase order items, and any stocked items created from the purchase order items.
  4. Click Save & Close.