The Receiving page (Procurement required)

BEFORE YOU BEGIN  This page is only available if Procurement is enabled. Refer to Activations.

NOTE  If Procurement is not activated on your site, you must receive purchase order items from the Purchase Order Search page. Refer to Receiving or canceling receipt of purchase order items.

About the Receiving page

If you are receiving from the Purchase Order Search page, you must know the PO Number to be able to locate the PO Items you want to receive.

Not so on the Receiving page. This page lists all purchase order items where the item status is On Order. You can search for a PO item included with a shipment using many other filters, including Product, Vendor, or Manufacturer Product Number. This is easier and faster than searching through multiple POs.

Once you locate an item that is included in a shipment, you can directly open the Receive/Cancel Receipt of Purchase Order page.

NOTE  You can still only receive items for a single purchase order at a time.

Searching for items to receive

You can only receive items from one purchase order at a time. To receive items, do the following:

  1. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
  2. Search for the items you want to receive. You can use the column filters to selectively filter the contents of the table.
  3. Select the check box for one or more items to receive, or use the bulk selector in the header row.
  4. Click Receive Full/Partial. The Receive/Cancel Receipt of Purchase Order page will open. For details on receiving purchase order items, refer to Receiving or canceling receipt of purchase order items.

What happens when items are received?

The following status updates are made when you save the Receive/Cancel Receipt of Purchase Order page:

  • If the quantity received = the quantity ordered for all items on the PO, the PO status is set to Received Full.
  • If the quantity received < the quantity ordered for one or more charge items, the PO status is set to Received Partial.
  • For each charge, if quantity received = the quantity ordered and the PO is configured to ship directly to a Selected Organization, then the status of the associated charge is set to Delivered/Shipped. These items no longer appear on the Receiving page. They appear on the Delivered/Shipped tab of the Delivery/Shipping page.

  • If the quantity received for a charge is less than the quantity ordered, the status of the charge remains On Order. The charge remains on the Receiving page, but also appears on the Delivery/Shipping page. Both pages indicate the quantity received and the quantity still needed. As with charges received in full, the Ship To radio button on the PO will determine which Delivery/Shipping tab the charge appears on.

  • On the New Charge and Edit Charge windows, items that are received in full but not drop shipped show a status of Picked. The Deliver/Ship column displays a link to Deliver/Ship the item.

  • If the PO specifies to ship to Home Office or Other Address, the charge status is set to Ready to Deliver/Ship, and the charge appears on the Ready to Deliver/Ship tab of the Delivery/Shipping page.

  • If the unit cost is changed on the Receive/Cancel Receipt of Purchase Order page, then on Save, the Unit Cost is updated on the contract charge, project charge, ticket charge, the sales order, and the quote. For reporting purposes, Autotask uses the unit cost on the received purchase order when calculating profitability.

  • Email notification is sent to the resource that created the charge, to the ticket primary resource for a ticket charge, the project lead for a project charge, the opportunity owner for a quoted item, and the sales order owner if different from the opportunity owner.

Exporting the list

To export all the items in the list in CSV format, click the Export icon. For multi-page lists, all pages are included.