Searching purchase order item history

About the Purchase Order Item History

The Purchase Order Item History page tracks the receiving history of each purchase order item.

Step number Description


As soon as a purchase order is created, each PO item appears on a separate row on the page. The only column that is populated is the Quantity Ordered.


When you receive the PO item in full, the Quantity Received, Receive Date, and Received By columns are populated. The Quantity Back Ordered is set to 0.


If you receive more units than you ordered (by mistake or because the vendor shipped extra), the Quantity Back Ordered is also set to 0.


If it was a mistake, and you cancel the receipt of the extra item by "receiving" a negative count, an additional row is created for the same PO item that tracks this step.


If you partially receive an item (fewer items were shipped than ordered), the Quantity Back Ordered shows the number of units you are still waiting for.

Right-click menu

The following menu options are available on purchase orders that have not been fully received or canceled:

Menu Option Description
Edit Purchase Order Your ability to edit the General Information and the Purchase Order Item sections on a PO depends on the status of the PO. Refer to Managing purchase order items.
View / Print Purchase Order You can open a print quality view of the purchase order from the right-click menu of the Purchase Order and Purchase Order History tables. You can print or email this view. Refer to Viewing, printing, or emailing a purchase order.

Auto-Filled check box

Select this check box if you would like to find items that were added to the purchase order using the Auto-Fill feature.