Submitting a purchase order

About purchase order statuses

Purchase orders statuses move the PO along the purchasing process. They are system-defined, and you cannot create custom ones. A PO can have the following statuses:

  • New: this status is applied automatically when the PO is created.

  • Submitted: this status is applied manually when you click Submit Purchase Order on the Purchase Order Search page, or Save & Submit or Submit & Email on the New Purchase Order or Edit Purchase Order page.

  • Received Partial: this status is applied automatically when the first PO item is received.

  • Received Full: this status is applied automatically when the final PO item is received.

  • Canceled: this status is applied manually when you click Cancel Purchase Order on the Purchase Order Search page.

About the Submitted status

The following happens when the PO status is changed to Submitted:

  • If the Estimated Arrival Date is not populated on one or more PO items, the Estimated Arrival Date window will open to give you an opportunity to add the missing data. Refer to Tracking the estimated arrival date.
  • A notification is sent to the charge owner.
  • In the General Information section, the Vendor Name becomes read-only.
  • In the Purchase Order Items section, you can only edit the following fields: Quantity, Cost, Memo, and Estimated Arrival Date.
  • You can now receive items on the purchase order.
  • If Procurement is enabled: the charge statuses are set to On Order, and charges no longer appear on the Purchasing & Fulfillment page. Instead, they appear on the Receiving page. Key stakeholders are notified.
    For information on Procurement, refer to Introduction to Inventory.

IMPORTANT  The order is not automatically sent to the vendor unless you use the option Submit & Email. When you select Submit & Email, the View/Email Purchase Order window opens, and you must specify the vendor as a recipient of the email. Refer to Viewing, printing, or emailing a purchase order for information on how to print or email your PO for delivery to a vendor.