The Delivery & Shipping page (Procurement required)

BEFORE YOU BEGIN  This page is only available if Procurement is enabled. Refer to Activations.

NOTE   Users who do not have the Procurement feature enabled can deliver or ship items from the Edit Charge page. Refer to Delivering or shipping a stocked item on a charge.

When Procurement is enabled, the streamlined Delivery & Shipping page is available in Inventory. This page has two tabs, Ready to Deliver/Ship and Delivered/Shipped.

  • The Ready to Deliver/Ship tab displays all charges where the status is Ready to Deliver/Ship. This includes items that do not go through procurement. Their status is set to Ready to Deliver/Ship when the charge is created.

  • The Delivered/Shipped tab will display all charges whose status is Delivered/Shipped. From this tab, you can track items that have been distributed, search for and select items, and cancel delivery or shipment of selected items.

On both tabs, you can create a pick list or packing list, and export the contents of the table.

IMPORTANT  Items that do not go through procurement because they are not associated with a product (such as Shipping Charges) can still be set to Delivered/Shipped.

How to...