Invoicing sub-organization items to a parent organization

Most often, a parent-sub-organization relationship between organizations in Autotask is set up to make the parent organization the billing organization for the sub-organization. This lets you set up a separate Autotask organization record for a sub-organization, department, or franchise that is not an independent business entity, so you can track the address, contacts, projects, and tickets for the sub-organization. However, invoices are sent to the parent organization.

It is also possible to set up a parent organization for several other organizations (the sub-organizations) so you can search, group, filter, and report on the sub-organizations as a group. In this scenario, you may well bill the individual sub-organizations.

You can also invoice some things to the parent and some to the sub-organizations.

NOTE  Parent organization items cannot be billed to a sub-organization.

NOTE  If Multi-currency is enabled, parent organization and sub-organizations must have the same currency.

NOTE  If you use the Invoice Now feature to bill directly from a ticket, any billing items on the ticket that are billable to a parent organization will not be included on the invoice. Refer to Generating an invoice from a ticket.

What determines the organization that will be billed?

  • If a billing item is governed by a contract (either a parent organization or sub-organization contract), the billing organization is determined by the contract and cannot be altered.
  • If you select Invoice non-contract items to Parent Organization on the Invoice Settings page, sub-organization items that are not under a sub-organization contract will automatically be billed to the parent. You do not have to select the Show Sub-Organization Items check box on the Invoice /Items to Invoice page or the Show Available Sub-Organization Items check box on the Choosing Billing Items dialog box.

IMPORTANT  You can, however, de-select an automatically included item on the Choose Billing Items dialog box!

  • If the Invoice Settings option is cleared, those items will by default be invoiced to the sub-organization. But if parent or sub-organization invoicing is not automated using the Invoice Settings setting, you can still invoice sub-organization items to a parent organization when invoicing for an individual organization. Refer to Invoice non-contract sub-organization items to a parent organization.

The following flowchart shows which organization is invoiced for labor performed for a sub-organization organization, depending on contract and invoice settings.

Revenue and costs are never tracked with the Billing Organization. The following flowchart shows where they appear, based on the organization the contract is associated with, and the Invoice Settings setting Invoice Non-contract items to Parent Organization.

NOTE  We are aware that the Profit & Loss Detail by Contract report incorrectly associates revenue/costs with the sub-organization instead of the parent when there is a parent contract. This is due to a mismatch in how the data is grouped and the different way the reporting engines work. Both reports work as designed.

How to...