Accepting the outsource agreement
NOTE Your company can insource tickets outsourced to you without accepting the Outsource Agreement. Refer to Insourcing (receiving) tickets.
If you have not yet accepted the outsource agreement, the Outsource menu will show only one item, Dashboard, and the Dashboard will only display the Received Work options.
For your company to outsource tickets to other organizations, you must agree to the terms and conditions of the Outsource Agreement.
The organizations you outsource to do not have to use Autotask. If they do, they manage their insourced tickets in Autotask. If they are not, they can accept and manage tickets through the Subcontractor Portal.
There is no transaction charge for tickets outsourced to another Autotask customer. However, whenever you outsource a ticket to non-Autotask users through the Subcontractor Portal, there may be a transaction fee. Please consult your contract for the transaction fee or contact your Datto Account Manager for details on pricing.
How to...
Changes to Autotask when you accept the outsource agreement
When you accept the Outsource Agreement, you will see the following major changes in Autotask.