Selecting a notification sender

Configuration options for the notification sender

In addition to the email body and the notification email recipients, the Send From Email of a notification message can also be configured. This gives you control over who will appear as the sender of (and therefore receive any replies to) the outgoing notification email. The setting can be configured in different areas of Autotask.

The following options apply to automated email notifications:

  • The notification template: If you plan to standardize communications as much as possible, you should configure the apparent sender right on the notification template. Use notification template's setting is the default option in all situations where a notification template is selected. Refer to Adding or editing notification templates.
  • The workflow rule: On workflow rules, the default is Initiating Resource (however, if the selected notification template has an "Other Email", that will be used). If you aim for maximum standardization, select Use notification template's setting here, as well. Refer to Adding, editing, and copying workflow rules.
  • The form template: If your company uses form templates extensively, selecting Use notification template's setting here again standardizes on the sender selected on the notification template. Refer to Adding and editing form templates.

For manual notifications, the individual user must configure default notification settings. As the administrator, you can set a policy to have everyone select Use notification template's setting here, too. Refer to Configuring default notification settings.

Selecting a sender

This field determines the email address that is used as the Sender address in the notification email.

Choose the email address you would like to use as the outgoing sender. Depending on the context, the following options are available:

IMPORTANT  Replies to notification emails will come to the selected email address. Make sure that the mailboxes are watched or the emails are properly redirected.

Option appears as: Available on: Use to select as the sender:

Initiating Resource

Notification Templates

The Primary Email Address of the individual user who initiated the event that triggered the notification.

IMPORTANT  Be aware that when clients reply to notifications, they are now the "initiating resource" but may not have authorized Autotask mail servers. This may cause bounce back issues. It is always safer to select the organization's support email address.

Initiating Resource (however, if the selected notification template has an "Other Email" option, that will be used)

Workflow Rules

No (this means: don't use your local organization's support email address)

Service Call Default Settings

Sender's Name <Sender's Email Address>


Entity notification default settings

The sender's Name and Primary Email Address.

This is the most personal option. When using it, keep in mind that any replies will be sent to that address.

Form Templates

Your organization's support email address

Notification Templates

Your organization's Support Email Address.

Refer to Configuring a support email address default.

Yes (this means: use support email address)

Service Call Default Settings

<Support Email Address>

Workflow Rules

Send email from <your organization's group email box>

Manual notifications using a Notifications tab or section

Send From (Name) <Support Email Address>

Entity notification default settings

The Send From (Name) configured for your organization's support email address in combination with the Support Email Address.


Form Templates

Sender's Name, followed by the support email address

Entity notification default settings

Your local organization's Support Email Address with the initiating user's Name.

This option appears personal but ensures that any replies will be sent to the support group inbox. Refer to Configuring a support email address default.

Form Templates

<Support Email Address> with Initiating Resource's Name

Notification Templates

Use notification template's setting

Entity notification default settings

The sender selected on the notification template.

This option should be chosen to ensure consistent messages to go out.

Form Templates

Service Call Default Settings

Workflow Rules

Alternate Send From Email Address

Notification Templates

An Alternate Send From Email Address configured for the receiving organization.

If this workflow rule applies to a specific organization only and you have configured Alternate Send From Email Addresses for the organization, you can select one from the drop-down control. Refer to Alternate Send From Email Addresses.

Workflow Rules


Notification Templates

Any email address.

This option can only be selected on the notification template. You can enter any email address and name. On a template that was selected on a workflow rule, it will override the Initiating Resource if one was selected on the workflow rule.

EXAMPLE  One way to use this option is to set up a group email for your sales team (such as and use it on CRM notification templates, where your support email address would be inappropriate.


Form Templates

To make no selection and leave selecting the sender to the individual user.

The form template will not populate the Sender field on the Notification panel of the entity, and users will need to make a manual selection.