Contract Devices

Why associate devices with a contract?

For your Managed Services customers, you are monitoring and supporting specific devices (assets, configuration items). Each device is covered under a contract. The customer pays you for the maintenance service the item is tied to.

When your monitoring service detects a failure with a device, it generates an alert that creates a ticket in Autotask. This ticket references the device. If the device is already associated with a contract and a service, they are copied into the ticket. A contract associated with a device will override a default service desk contract for the organization.

Tying contracts to devices has the following advantages:

  • You do not have to spend time trying to find the right billing agreement for each ticket.
  • The cost of the labor to fix the problem is now tracked at the contract and service level. You are able to generate reports that show you true profitability at the contract and service level.
  • The contract that is automatically applied can also reference a Service Level Agreement that is then applied to the ticket. This will automate ticket prioritization for your technicians.

EXAMPLE  Your mail server is covered by a contract that is associated with an SLA that has very quick response times and after hours coverage. Your 3rd floor printer is covered by a contract that has an SLA with regular response times.

You can reference a contract from the Devices page. Refer to Adding and editing devices.

NOTE  If you are using Device Discovery with an Autotask Managed Services Extension, you can associate newly created devices with contracts directly from the Device Discovery Wizard. Refer to Associating a device with a contract.

You can also associate contracts and devices manually, from within a contract.