Copying an existing contract

The Copy Contract Wizard allows you to create a copy of an existing contract and populate it with information from the original contract. You can copy a contract for the same organization or a different organization.

NOTE  Create your standard contracts under your local organization, and then copy them to customers as needed. Note that you will not be able to copy a contract to an organization that is associated with a different currency.

NOTE   For recurring service contracts only: if you have a recurring service contract that will end soon, and you want to use the same contract again for the same customer, you can renew the contract instead of copying it. Refer to Renewing a recurring service contract.

To copy a contract, do the following:

  1. Use the Contract Search to find the contract you want to copy. Refer to Searching and managing contracts.
  2. Select Copy Contract Wizard from the context menu.
  3. If the contract you are copying has one or more exclusion contracts, you'll be prompted to select which, if any, associated exclusion contracts you want to make copies of, as well.

  4. Click Next.
    If the contract contains billing rules, a warning in red font will inform you that they will be set to inactive to give you a chance to review them.
  5. Complete the Copy Contract Wizard. Accept or edit the data as needed.
    • All wizard pages are identical to the New Contract Wizard pages. For field descriptions, refer to Creating a contract.
    • Most wizard fields are populated with the values from the original contract, but can be edited. Refer to the following table:
Contract Type/Field Name Copied?
All Contract Types  
Contract Name [Copy of] original contract name.
Organization Name
Contact Name
This field is cleared if the organization name is changed.
Start Date
End Date
Default Service Desk Contract
Contract Description
Contract Category
Line of Business (Billing)
Service Level Agreement
External Contract Number
This field is cleared if the organization name is changed.
User-Defined Fields
Approve & Post Labor
Require users to enter start and stop time on project tasks
Billing Organization
Billing Notification Contact
Exclusion Contract
The exclusion contract is only copied for the same organization as the original, or its sub-organization.

Exclusion Set

Other Excluded Roles and Work Types

Notification Rules
Notification recipients

Template and Subject

Contract Charge Defaults
Internal Labor Costs
Billing Rules Billing rules will be copied as inactive to give you a chance to review them. All rules will have a start date equal to the new contract's start date, with no end date.
Recurring Service  
Contract Period Type
End After # Occurrences (if this option is selected in the source contract, the value in the original contract for number of occurrences will be copied)
Setup Fee
Setup Fee Billing Code
Services, Service Units, Service Adjusted Price, Service Bundles, Service Bundle Units, Service Bundle Adjusted Price
The Invoice Descriptions, and Internal Descriptions and Price are copied. The price is copied from the latest contract price of the service or bundle.

IMPORTANT  If the original contract prices were adjusted, the wizard will use the latest adjusted prices, even if the start date of the copied contract is before the date of the price adjustment. If you change the price of a service from $10 to $20 on March 2, and then copy the contract effective March 1, the price in the copied contract will be $20.

Service/Service Bundle Adjustments (this field does not appear in the wizard).
Time and Materials  
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Costs
Estimated Hours

Included Roles

Contract Hourly Billing Rate

NOTE   Copy contract includes all original contract billing rates, even if the role from a contract role/rate pair has been excluded from all new contracts. Refer to Excluded from New Contracts.

Block Hour  
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Costs
Estimated Hours
Enable Overage Billing
Overage Billing Rate
Included Roles
Contract Block Hour Multiplier

NOTE  The following fields do not appear in the wizard, but they will adhere to the copy behavior described. On the last page of the wizard, you will receive a prompt to Open the contract you just created and create block purchase(s).

(Block) Start Date Date is copied relative to the contract start date.
(Block) End Date Date is copied relative to the contract start date.
(Block) Hours Purchased
(Block) Hours Approved
(Block) Hours Remaining
(Block) Status All blocks will be unpaid.
(Block) Paid
(Block) Payment Number
(Block) Invoice Number
(Block) Payment Type
Notification Rules
Fixed Price  
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Costs
Estimated Hours
Amount Already Received
Amount To Be Invoiced
Default Milestone Code
Included Roles
Contract Hourly Billing Rate
(Milestone) Name
(Milestone) Amount
(Milestone) Billing Code Name
(Milestone) Due Date Will be calculated relative to the contract's start date.
(Milestone) Ready to Bill
(Milestone) Description
(Milestone) Status All milestones will have a status of In Progress.
(Milestone) Project This association must be made manually.
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Costs
Estimated Hours
Charge tax on eligible labor and charge items
Included Roles
Contract Hourly Billing Rate
Email Subject/Email Message
Retainer Purchases On the last page, you will be prompted to Open the contract you just created and create retainer purchase(s).
Notification Rules
Per Ticket  
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Costs
Estimated Hours
Overage Per Ticket Rate
Included Roles
Contract Hourly Billing Rate
Ticket Purchases On the last page, you will be prompted to Open the contract you just created and create ticket purchase(s).