Projects system settings

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Application-wide (Shared) Features. Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Features & Settings > Application-wide (Shared) Features > System Settings > Projects
To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
NOTE For system settings to take effect, users must log out and back in.

Defaults to Allow. By default, users are still able to enter time on a task and edit existing time entries once the task status has been updated to Complete.
If you select Prohibit add, allow edit, users cannot track time against a task but can edit existing time entries once the task status has been set to Complete.
If you select Prohibit add and edit, users cannot track time against a task or edit time entries once the task status has been set to Complete.

By default, you can assign a resource to a task even if they are over-scheduled.
When this system setting is enabled, Autotask will check the primary resource's availability when the task is saved. This calculation will compare the resource's available time to the start/end dates and Hours per Resource specified for the task. The formula will be the same one that is used by the Workload Report and the calculation is based on back-load distribution (for tasks, tickets, and recurring tickets). For information on the Workload Report, Refer to Workload report.
If the resource is overbooked, or if the assignment of this task will result in the resource becoming overbooked, a message will indicate that the resource does not have enough time available to accommodate the task. You can continue to save the task or cancel and select another resource.
NOTE In order to complete this check, the task must include one or more of the following elements: Start Date, End Date, Estimated Hours, Resource Name.

Select the box to require users to enter Summary Notes of the work performed when they enter time on projects tasks. If the box is not selected, the Summary Notes field is optional.

If each time entry must show exactly when the work was performed on Project tasks, as well as on Tickets, select the box to require users to enter start and stop times.
If the box is not selected, the user can choose to enter straight decimal time or start and stop times for time spent working on project tasks. Note that a contract tied to a project can override this system setting and force users to enter start and stop times on tasks for that particular project. Service Deck ticket time entry always requires start and stop times.
NOTE Task time entries created before this system setting is enabled use regular time entry when editing. Any new time entries created after this system setting is enabled use start and stop time entry.

This setting limits the Task (not Task Number) search in the global Autotask search field to the specified number of months. It defaults to 12 (months). The minimum value is "1", and the maximum value is "999".