Managing user-defined fields

SECURITY Configuring UDFs requires Admin permissions to both Application-wide (Shared) Features, and Admin permissions to Service Desk (Tickets), Devices, Organizations & Contacts, Contracts & Unposting or Projects & Tasks, depending on the entity. Viewing the list of UDFs only requires one or the other. Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Application-Wide (Shared) Features > User-Defined Fields
About user-defined fields
User-defined fields (UDFs) are custom fields for data that cannot be mapped to the standard Autotask field set. They are created in two ways:
- Autotask administrators can set them up for various entities. This type of user-defined field can be created, edited, and deleted with few restrictions. Refer to Adding a User-Defined Field.
- They are generated automatically when a remote monitoring extension is enabled. This type of user-defined field cannot be deleted. Refer to System UDFs for remote monitoring extensions.

You can create user-defined fields for the following Autotask entities:
- Contact
- Contract
- Device
- Opportunity
- Organization (Organization and Site Configuration UDFs)
- Product
- Project
- Sales Order
- Services
- Service Bundles
- Subscription
- Task
- Ticket and Recurring Ticket

The number of active user-defined fields that you can set up for each entity is limited. On each tab, Autotask displays the maximum number and how many user-defined fields are currently active. When you come within five fields of the limit, a dialog box will let you know. Once you have reached the limit, you can create an additional field, but it can only be saved as inactive. To activate it, you must first inactivate another UDF for this entity.
The limits are as follows:
Entity | Maximum Number |
Contact | 100 |
Contract | 50 |
Device | 500 |
Opportunity | 200 |
Organization | 200 |
Product | 100 |
Project | 200 |
Sales Order | 100 |
Services | 100 |
Service Bundles | 100 |
Subscription | 100 |
Site Configuration | 500 |
Task | 100 |
Ticket | 300 |

In most respects, UDFs work just like Autotask system fields. You can use them as filter and search fields, display and filter them in LiveReports, and use them in workflow rules. Entity categories allow you to control which UDFs appear in each category. They are visible to all users with access to the parent entity. There are two exceptions:
- On ticket and recurring ticket search tables, your security setting controls if you can view any of the ticket UDFs. Refer to Can view user-defined fields in Ticket grids, Recurring Ticket Template grids, and My Tasks & Tickets.
- User-defined fields associated with devices and site configuration may contain sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, and building access codes. For this reason, they can be set up as protected UDFs that are accessible to specific resources only. Refer to Viewing protected data.

The list of user-defined fields in LiveReports is cached, and is only updated after the customer Autotask instance has been inactive for 5 minutes. Depending on your number of users and their activity level, it may take some time before new UDFs are available in LiveReports.
Managing UDFs
User-defined fields for all entities are managed from Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Application-Wide (Shared) Features > User-Defined Fields. Each tab represents one of the Autotask entity types that support UDFs. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
A right-click menu includes the following options:
Menu option | Description |
Edit |
For system UDFs for remote monitoring extensions, only the Required check box and the Sort Order field are editable. |
Convert to Site Configuration / Convert to Organization |
Organization UDFs and site configuration UDFs are both associated with the Organization entity. Organization UDFs are intended for sales information, and Site Configuration UDFs, for technical information. One type can be converted into the other. Refer to Converting Organization UDFs to Site Configuration UDFs. |
When you inactivate a user-defined field, the data is still available to search and report on. Its visibility on entities that use categories (ticket, task, opportunity, and device) will be controlled by the category. If you no longer want the UDF to appear on those entities, you will need to modify the categories it is associated with. If it appears on the entity category, it will be editable. On other entities that do not use categories, the UDF will no longer appear. For example, an inactive organization UDF does not appear on the New Organization, Edit Organization, or Organization page. The field remains visible if it was selected for display as a column in a table when the UDF was inactivated. It is still available for selection in column choosers on tables. Inactive UDFs remain available for dashboard tab widgets (as a Report On, Also Report On, Group By, Filter, Table columns) and widget tables, notification and invoice templates, contact action templates, and contact groups. Inactive UDFs are not available to select as conditions or updates in workflow rules. They are not available in the import templates for the organization/contact, device, or product importers. You will not be able to populate or update inactive UDFs via the importers. |
Delete |
User-defined fields created by someone in your company can be deleted. IMPORTANT When you delete a UDF, all of its associated data will be deleted, as well. You will get a warning dialog, but once you click OK, this deletion is permanent and cannot be undone. The following limitations apply:
NOTE If a UDF list option is associated with an entity, form template, widget, or workflow rule, it cannot be deleted until it is disassociated from the entity. |