Address formats

Address formats determine the selection and positioning of address fields within Autotask and on customer-facing documents such as quotes, statements of work, invoices, etc. They can be associated with countries.

On the Address Formats page, you can create additional address formats and associate them with one or more countries. Autotask contains a default address format that is initially associated with all countries, but you can edit the default or make a different address format the default. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.

The table rows of the Address Formats page are alphabetized on the Name column. They can be sorted in ascending and descending order by clicking the column headers.

Click New to create a new address format, and click the context menu to edit or delete an address format. For details on list menu options, refer to Managing lists and tables.

Field Description
Name Specify a name for the address format. This does not have to be a country name, but can indicate multiple countries.
Active check box Select this check box to mark the address format as active. Clear it to deactivate the address format.

NOTE   You cannot deactivate the default address format.

Define Address Format section Double-click the variables in the Variables box to add them to the Formats box. They will be added in the order they are selected. Add line breaks and spaces as required.
Default Address Format check box Make this address format the default. Refer to The default address format for more information.
Format (on list only) A sample of the address format, displayed as the selected variable fields, such as [City] and [Post Code].
Associated Countries (on list only) The countries with which the address format is associated.

IMPORTANT   You cannot associate address formats with countries here. You must do it on the Countries page. Refer to Managing your Countries list.