Linking a report to another report

About linked reports

With LiveReports, you can set up links within reports to access additional reports. When you export the report to HTML format, you can use the links to open multiple report pages from the main report to view and compare values as needed. These linked reports will always be displayed on top of the current report page, except when running a search or selecting a specific page using the HTML toolbar in the main report.

NOTE  The linked report feature is available only when a report is generated in HTML format.

You can link to reports from cells containing values, text, and even logos. When you open a linked report from a cell containing a data value, the report checks the key field of the information being displayed and uses that to filter the linked report. If the link is set on text or a logo cell, then the linked report is run without filtering based on the cell value.

When a linked report is tied to a cell containing a value and that value is clicked on, the linked report is executed in a new browser window and automatically filtered based on the value in the original LiveReport.

NOTE   Linked reports should only be used to drill into a particular line item on a report. They cannot be used to filter entirely on another report.

NOTE  In the LiveReports Designer, a hyperlink icon displays in any cell that links to another report.