

LiveReports is a utility that you can use to create custom reports to supplement the dozens of pre-built reports on the Reports page. To find the right pre-built report, refer to Finding a pre-built report.

The LiveReports utility is intended for users who have experience with a report creation tool such as Crystal Reports, or are prepared to invest some time learning how to create LiveReports. Comprehensive online help for LiveReports can be accessed through the sidebar menu on this page, and from the links on the LiveReports Designer Getting Started tab.

To create a new LiveReport, refer to The LiveReports Designer page.

NOTE  For technical reasons, the LiveReports utility lacks context-sensitive help links on every page. Please use the sidebar menu or the Search to find the help topic you need.

Technical support for LiveReports

Datto Customer Support will not create custom reports for you.

What is supported?

Product Support's primary responsibility will be to identify potential defects. Kaseya Helpdesk will perform a basic review for defect identification, for which we will check:

  • That data fields are pulling from the appropriate category and data is accurate
  • Calculations are accurate
  • Filter criteria are applied correctly

We will provide recommendations for basic steps to create a report and suggest data categories that contain the data fields you want to report on. We will promote basic knowledge of the LiveReports tool by pointing you to the available training resources, including webinars, videos and documentation.

What is not supported?

  • The creation of a custom report for you
  • Report comparisons against our existing Standard Reports

    Due to core functionality changes with how LiveReports processes data, Kaseya Helpdesk is unable to determine why our standard legacy reports may contain data that does not match results in the LiveReports.

    Kaseya Helpdesk will check that the LiveReport is functioning correctly in accordance to its design, and confirm there are no defects present.

Availability of professional services

Autotask will build LiveReports for you on a Professional Services basis. Please submit a ticket with a detailed mockup of the report in Excel or Word, and your Account Manager will contact you with a quote.