Opportunity insights

The following is a list of insights that are available for opportunity categories. For more information about using insights and adding them to categories, refer to The Insights tab. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.

NOTE  Several insights for this category can be customized by adding up to ten system fields or user-defined fields to the insight on a per category basis. These fields can then be viewed by clicking the Additional Information link that will appear at the bottom of the insight. For more detailed information on which insights can be customized and how to do so, refer to Customizing Insights.


Insight Name Description
Information about Entities Related to the Opportunity
Kaseya Quote Manager

This insight shows real-time Kaseya Quote Manager (formerly Datto Commerce) quote data in Autotask. Depending on the state of the quote, the following Kaseya Quote Manager fields will be displayed:

  • Quote Number: the quote number generated in Kaseya Quote Manager
  • Status: options are Draft, Sent, Viewed, Declined, Won
  • Total: the total won value of the quote
  • Quote Owner: the default owner of the quotes configured in Kaseya Quote Manager
  • Created: the date the quote was created in Kaseya Quote Manager
  • Expires: the expiration date of the quote
  • Signed Quote (PDF) (if the Status = Won): a link to the PDF version of the quote in Kaseya Quote Manager
  • Sales Order Number (if the Quote Status = Won and there is a sales order): a link to the sales order in Kaseya Quote Manager
  • Sales Order Status (if the Quote Status = Won and there is a sales order): the current status of the sales order in Kaseya Quote Manager
  • Related Purchase Orders/Status (if the Status = Won and there is a sales order and a purchase order)

This insight displays links to the opportunity organization's detail page and, if there is one, the parent organization's detail page. It displays the site configuration information and the name of the account manager with a notify link icon. It also displays a listing of the organization address and phone numbers, and a view map link, followed by the counts of all open tickets for the organization, tickets created within the last 30 days, and the number of documents associated with the organization. The ticket counts link to ticket drill-in table widgets.

The lower half of the insight displays a link to the ticket contact's detail page, a notify link icon, and a listing of the contact's title, location (where applicable), phone numbers, and email address. It will indicate if the person is the Primary Contact for the organization. It also displays the counts for all open tickets for the contact and tickets created within the last 30 days. The ticket counts link to ticket drill-in table widgets.

NOTE  If the contact has opted out of sales solicitations, you will see a warning icon next to their name. You are still able to send a notification, but you will be informed that they have opted out before you proceed.

NOTE  This insight can be customized on a category. Up to ten system fields or user-defined fields can be added to the insight. These fields can be viewed by clicking the Additional Information link that will appear at the bottom of the insight. For more information, refer to Customizing Insights.


This insight displays links to the detail page and, if there is one, the parent organization's detail page of the organization associated with the opportunity, and links to the site configuration page. It also lists the account manager, organization address and phone numbers, and a view map link, followed by the counts of all open tickets for the organization, tickets created within the last 30 days, and the number of documents associated with the organization. The ticket counts link to ticket drill-in table widgets.
Unlike the Organization/Contact insight (available for tickets, opportunities, and devices), this insight also displays the Organization Number, Website, and Average Organization Survey Rating.

NOTE  This insight can be customized on a category. Up to ten system fields or user-defined fields can be added to the insight. These fields can be viewed by clicking the Additional Information link that will appear at the bottom of the insight. For more information, refer to Customizing Insights.


This insight displays a link to the opportunity contact's detail page, a notify link icon, and a listing of the contact's title, phone numbers, and email address. It will indicate if the person is the Primary Contact for the organization. It also provides the counts for all open tickets for the contact and tickets created within the last 30 days. The ticket counts link to drill-in table widgets.
Unlike the Organization/Contact insight, this insight displays the Contact's External ID and Average Contact Survey Rating.

NOTE  If the contact has opted out of sales solicitations, you will see a warning icon next to their name. You are still able to send a notification, but you will be informed that they have opted out before you proceed.

NOTE  This insight can be customized on a category. Up to ten system fields or user-defined fields can be added to the insight. These fields can be viewed by clicking the Additional Information link that will appear at the bottom of the insight. For more information, refer to Customizing Insights.

Activity Insights
Activity Summary

This insight provides information on the actions that have occurred on the opportunity. The upper set of items lists the total number of incomplete to-dos, notes, and attachments that have been associated with the opportunity.

The lower section indicates how long ago the last activity was carried out on this opportunity and which resource performed that activity. It also indicates when the last stage change happened.

Financial Information

This insight displays a summary of the assessment information, if entered, for the opportunity. The assessment feature must be turned on for it to be displayed. Refer to Assessing opportunities .

The Total field is the percentage of the total points scored across all questions, divided by the total possible points. The Technical score is based on questions whose impact is either Technical or Technical & Relationship, and the Relationship score is based on questions whose impact is either Relationship or Technical & Relationship.

The chart is a visual representation of the technical and relationship assessment scores for the opportunity, with the technical score represented on the Y-axis and the Relationship score represented on the X-axis. For more information on the graph, refer to Reading the assessment graph.


This insight displays information on the opportunity's potential financial impact. It includes a color-coded progress bar showing the percent probability of winning the opportunity, the total potential revenue and cost, and the gross profit expressed as an amount and a percentage. The values are calculated over the number of months set in the Values section of the opportunity's details panel.

Total Revenue Calculations

When the check box Use Revenue/Cost of Quoted Items is not selected:
Total Revenue = Sum of [One-Time Revenue + (Monthly Revenue * n) + (Quarterly Revenue* n/3) (Semi-Annual Revenue * n/6) + (Yearly Amount * n/12)] where n = Number of months entered in the field Calculate Totals for # months.

When the check box Use Revenue/Cost of Quoted Items is selected:
Total Revenue = Sum of [One-Time Revenue + (Monthly Revenue * n) + (Quarterly Revenue * n/3)+ (Semi-Annual Revenue * n/6) + (Yearly Revenue * n/12)] + Shipping Items Subtotal - Discount Items Subtotal where n = Number of months entered in the field Calculate Totals for # months.

Total Cost Calculations

When the check box Use Revenue/Cost of Quoted Items is not selected:
Total Cost = Sum of [One-Time Cost + (Monthly Cost * n) + (Quarterly Cost * n/3) + (Semi-Annual Amount * n/6) + (Yearly Cost * n/12)] where n = Number of months entered in the field Calculate Totals for # months.

When the check box Use Revenue/Cost of Quoted Items is selected:
Total Cost = Sum of [One-Time Cost + (Monthly Cost * n) + (Quarterly Cost * n/3) + (Semi-Annual Amount * n/6) + (Yearly Cost * n/12)] + Shipping Items Subtotal - Discount Items Subtotal where n = Number of months entered in the field Calculate Totals for # months.

Gross Profit Calculations

Gross Profit ($) = Total Amount minus Total Cost

Gross Profit (%) = ((Total Amount minus Total Cost) / Total Amount) * 100

NOTE  If you do not have permission to view internal cost data, the Total Cost and Gross Profit fields are not visible.


Proposal Project Information
Proposal Project

This insight displays information for the proposal project associated with the primary quote of the opportunity, if there is one. It does not have to be of the type Proposal. The insight includes the project name, lead resource, status, start and end dates, and how many days remain in the project, based on the current date, as well as any associated tickets.

NOTE  While you can associate any project with an opportunity from within the project itself, it will not appear on this insight unless it is also associated with the primary quote.

NOTE  This insight can be customized on a category. Up to ten system fields or user-defined fields can be added to the insight. These fields can be viewed by clicking the Additional Information link that will appear at the bottom of the insight. For more information, refer to Customizing Insights.

Proposal Project (with % complete)

This insight displays the same data as the Proposal Project insight, but with two additional progress bars. These bars show how much progress has been made on the project in terms of both hours worked and tasks completed.

NOTE  This insight can be customized on a category. Up to ten system fields or user-defined fields can be added to the insight. These fields can be viewed by clicking the Additional Information link that will appear at the bottom of the insight. For more information, refer to Customizing Insights.