Email format options: HTML/Text or just Plain Text

Email can be sent in several formats, the most common being HTML or Plain Text. This interface allows you to send HTML/Text, or Plain Text Only.


HTML format gives you a full toolset of formatting options. You can set text color, position, weight, etc.

NOTE  If you want to include your local organization's logo in your survey email messages, you will need to use this format. The Logo variable cannot be used in plain text messages.

When you select this option, you can send multi-part email messages. This is recommended when you are sending to a large number of recipients with mixed ability to display emails.

A multi-part email transmission includes both an HTML and a plain text version in the same email. For a multi-part message, you must provide content in both HTML and plain text. Only one version will be displayed to the recipient. Which version is displayed depends on whether the recipient's email client and settings allow HTML. If the email client cannot display the HTML, the recipient receives the plain text version.

NOTE  If you want to send HTML only, just select HTML/Text and then provide only HTML formatted content and skip Plain Text content field.

Plain Text only

The Plain Text email format uses no text formatting at all. Plain text email is smaller, delivers and downloads more quickly, and is less likely to be marked as spam. All email clients can handle plain text emails.

When you select this option, you will not see the formatting toolbar. You cannot insert logos or image files, but you can use variables to personalize the content.