Integration Center

About the Integration Center

The Integration Center page is a tabbed page that displays a list of Autotask integration vendors on the Vendors tab, and API users who have made one or more API calls in the last 30 days on the API Users tab. The Security Levels button above the tabs opens the list of API security levels.

To appear on the list, vendors must meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vendor must have joined the Datto Developer Program. Vendors can sign up at
  • Vendors must use a version of the Autotask API that allows Datto to generate a Vendor Tracking ID for them. Refer to The API tracking identifier.
  • Datto must approve their integration(s) and publish their name to the list.

The naming convention is Vendor Organization Name - Integration Name.

Since Autotask cannot know which third party integrations your company will be using, all vendors are initially set to inactive. Use the context menu to activate any vendor integrations you will be using.

NOTE  Inactive vendors still show on the Integration Vendor drop-down list in the API Tracking Identifier section of the Add API User page, but only active vendors will show on widgets, lists, and reports.

The Vendors tab

The Vendors tab lists all approved Autotask integration vendors.

The API Users tab

The API Users tab contains much the same data as the Vendors tab, but organized by API User.

  • API users and resources with API permissions who have made one or more API calls in the last 30 days will appear.
  • The same API user could appear on multiple rows if they have used more than one API version or if they are associated with more than one integration vendor.
  • The table is sorted by Name. The following additional columns are displayed:
    • Username
    • Security Level
    • Integration Name
    • Integration Category
    • API Version
    • Last API Call
    • API Calls (Last 30 Days)
    • Active
  • The context menu allows you to edit, as well as activate or inactivate the API user or resource. Refer to Adding or editing an API user. Resource Editing permission is required.

Clicking an API username will open the API Activity by Hour report filtered on that specific API user (the second column will be the API User).

Clicking on a cell will open the log, which shows each call in a separate row and indicates the entity for each call, for that specific API user, for that hour.

Icon or column name Description

Export the current table to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Apply any applicable filters and refresh the current table.


This value represents the type of action the selected application requested. Common methods are getUDFInfo, getFieldInfo, getEntityInfo, Create, Update, Query, Delete, GetAttachment, and CreateAttachment.

Entity The name of the entity that received the request appears in this column.
Request Return Count The total number of records returned by each call appears in the Request Return Count column.
Integration Name If Autotask is able to detect the integration vendor's name, it will appear here.
Resource / API User The Resource / API User column reports the name of the API user from whom the API call originated.

Execution Start

This value represents the time and date that the API received the request.

Execution Time (ms)

The Execution Time column records the time, in milliseconds, that the API spent executing the requested task.

Threshold Exceeded

A check mark in this column indicates that the activity by the integration exceeded the 10,000 calls per hour activity threshold. For more information about API activity thresholds, refer to our REST and SOAP articles in the Autotask Developer Help.

Client IP Address

This column records the origination IP address of the API request.