Importing discovered devices into Autotask

Use the Device Discovery Wizard to integrate customer and device data—from the batches created in the Device Discovery step—into your Autotask instance.

Why do I need to have customer and device data in Autotask?

When a device generates an alert in your monitoring system, an Autotask ticket is created. The ticket must be associated with an Autotask organization, and it must reference the device that the technician must repair. If the device repair is covered by a contract, contract billing rules and Service Level Agreements are automatically applied to the ticket.

How does the Discovery Wizard work?

The Discovery Wizard looks at each row in a discovery batch and attempts to match the customer to an Autotask organization, and then the device to a device.

  • If no match is found, organizations and devices (and, if necessary, the products required for creating the devices) can be manually or automatically created.
  • Optionally, new devices can be associated with a contract.

The following topics provide information on how to launch and complete the Discovery Wizard.