Invoice field map

NOTE  To learn everything about the QuickBooks Extension for Desktop, refer to the landing page for documentation links, configuration steps, videos, and walk-throughs that help you set it up.

The following is a complete list of invoice fields transferred from Autotask to QuickBooks.

Autotask Field or Fields QuickBooks Field or Fields
Organization Fields
Organization Name Customer Name, Bill To
Sub-organization Name Only transferred to invoice item Description field when invoicing sub-organization items to parent organization.
Taxable (Tax Exempt flag from Organization page) Tax Code
Address 1 Street 1, Bill To
Address 2 Street 1, Bill To
City City, Bill To
State State/Province, Bill To
Country Country/Region, Bill To
Zip Code Zip/Postal Code, Bill To
Phone Phone
Fax Fax
Billing Address: Attention (Invoice Settings) Bill To
*Billing Address 1 (Invoice Settings) Bill To, Address
*Billing Address 2 (Invoice Settings) Bill To, Address
*Billing City (Invoice Settings) Bill To
*Billing State (Invoice Settings) Bill To
*Billing Country (Invoice Settings) Bill To
*Billing Zip Code (Invoice Settings) Bill To
Billing Tax Exempt check box (Invoice Settings) Tax Code in customer pop-up window
*When a new customer is transferred to QuickBooks, the Billing Address fields are transferred if they differ from the Organization Address fields.
Invoice Fields
Invoice Date (Invoice History) Invoice Date
Invoice Number Generated in QuickBooks and transferred back to Autotask.
Total on the invoice Calculated in QuickBooks.
Tax Total on the invoice

Calculated in QuickBooks if Transfer Taxes from Autotask is disabled.

If Taxes from Autotask is enabled, tax total is transferred to QuickBooks and is displayed as a line item on the QuickBooks invoice.

Purchase Order Number (Process selected Invoices) PO Number
Transmission Method (Invoice Settings) Check Print and Email boxes on invoice.
Invoice Item Fields

Autotask fields are transferred to the Item Name field in QuickBooks following the selection made on the Manage Naming Conventions page. Refer to Managing Naming Conventions

Billing Item Type Fields transferred to QuickBooks Item Name field
Labor Default/Recommended: Work Type
Additional options: Role:Work Type. If work types are not required on tickets, the role is transferred as the item name.
Charge Default/Recommended: Charge Name

Additional options: Material Code
Expense Expense Category Name
Subscription Default/Recommended: Charge/Subscription Name

Additional options: Material Code
Recurring Services and Bundles Default/Recommended: Service/Bundle Name
Additional options: Service Code or Recurring Services:Service Code
Milestones Default/Recommended: Milestone Code
Additional options: Milestone:Milestone Code
Billing Items without Billing Code Refer to If you roll up billing items.
Item Name
Item Type Item Date
Labor Date Worked
Contract, Project, or Ticket Charge Date Purchased
Expense Expense Date
Subscription Effective Date
Recurring Services and Bundles Period Date
Recurring Contract (not itemized) Period Date
Fixed Price Contract Milestone Due Date
Service Date
Billing Code/Work Type Item Name or Sub-Item Name, depending on mapping settings.
Task Number (Projects) or Ticket Number (Tickets) Description (if selected on Invoice Template)
Task Title (Task page) or Ticket Title (Ticket page) Description
Resource (Ticket) or Resource Name (Project Schedule) Description (if selected on Invoice Template)
Role (Enter Time) Item Name (if Default Method is used)
Project Name (Project Summary) Description
Contract Name Description (only transferred for recurring contracts, services and service bundles)
Worked Hours (Enter Time) Quantity
Billable Hours (Invoice) Quantity
Role Rate as it appears (Invoice) Rate
Calculated field (Hours x Role Rate) Amount
Summary Notes (Enter Time) Description (if selected on Invoice Template)
Number of units billed for this line item Quantity
Expense Category Item
Product Name (Subscriptions) Description (if Default Method is used)
Subscription Name (Subscriptions) Item Name (if Default Method is used), Description
Subscription Start Date (Subscriptions) Description
Subscription End Date (Subscriptions) Description
Name (Milestones) Description
Description (Milestones) Description
Amount (Milestones) Amount
Service Name (Services) Description
Quantity (Contracts) Quantity
Unit Price (Contracts) Rate
Unit Price x Number of Unites (period price for the recurring services) (Contracts) Amount
Service Start Date (Contracts - (recurring service contract) Description
Service End Date (Contracts - recurring service contract) Description
One-time Setup Fee for Contract (Approve and Post) Item Name or Sub-Item Name