Time to Money: Roles

The Role of the time entry determines the hourly rate. This is the hourly rate that the customer will be billed at, if there are no other billing arrangements in place. Role rates can be configured in 2 places in Autotask:

Admin level - Resources/Users (HR)

Roles must initially be configured at the Admin level, on the Roles page under Resources/Users (HR). The role rate configured here will be used for all time entries with that role, unless the role rate is otherwise overridden at the contract-level. A role must first be configured at the Admin level in order to set a contract-level rate.

Contract level - Contract Rates

Contract Rates allow users to set a role rate that overrides the Admin level role rate for work performed under a specific contract. Contract rates are set for each contract on the Contract Rates page, accessed from the menu on the contract's Summary page.

Projects and Roles

Projects use role rates to determine the cost of labor on tasks, but you cannot configure specific role rates for a project. The Admin role rates apply, unless a contract is associated with the project, then the contract role rates will apply. The Project Rates page, accessed from the Project Summary menu, is view only. It shows each project team member assigned to a project task, their assigned role or roles, the rates for those roles, and whether the role rate is the Admin (Role) or contract (Contract) rate.

NOTE  A project team member can be assigned different roles on different tasks.

Work Types and Roles

Work types can also be a factor in the determination of the hourly role rate. The work type’s billing method can either override or adjust the role rate. Refer to the following section, Time to Money: Work Types.