Managing internal resources and co-managing users

About the pages where you manage resources and users

There are three pages where you can manage the access of internal resources and co-managing users to your Autotask instance. The pages are have similar features, but show different groups of users. Refer to The Co-managed Help Desk.

  • On the Resources page, you access internal resources and API users.
  • On the Co-managing Users page, only co-managing users with a license type of Co-managed Help Desk appear.
  • On the Unmapped Co-managing Users page, only co-managing users with a license type of Co-managed Help Desk who are not yet mapped to an organization contact are displayed.

NOTE  Mapping a co-managing user to an organization contact is a new requirement in Autotask release 2022.2. Refer to Convert to Co-managing User (only available on the Co-managing Users page, as long as the co-managing user has not yet been associated with an organization contact).

General information

Managing resources

Autotask Resource and API User accounts are created and managed on the Resources page. Co-managing users are created and managed on the Co-managing Users page. To quickly find an existing user, use the filter row below the column headers.

IMPORTANT   To preserve data integrity, resources and users cannot be deleted from Autotask. If a resource leaves your local organization or no longer needs to use Autotask, deactivate the resource.

Remapping a co-managing user to another contact or organization

Licenses assigned to co-managing users can be transferred to another contact and even another organization. This feature allows an IT resource to move between the parent organization and its sub-organizations, without having to deactivate their existing co-managing user account and creating a new one. This is important because the same email address cannot be used in more than one account, even inactive ones.

This has the following advantages:

  • You do not have to deactivate the existing co-managing user and create a new one at another sub-organization
  • Billing will continue without interruption
  • Everything configured on the Co-managed Setup page remains in place
  • Tickets and tasks assigned to the co-managing user remain assigned

You will simply link up the Autotask license with the person's contact record at the other sub-organization.

IMPORTANT  It is technically possible, but completely unadvised, to transfer the co-managed user license to an unrelated organization and contact. The co-managing user account will remain associated with tickets and tasks that were assigned to the user before the organization change, and must be cleaned up manually. The user will also remain on any teams they were on before the transfer, giving them account manager-level access to the organizations the old contact was associated with.

To re-map a co-managing user, do the following:

  1. On the context menu, select Remap Co-managing User. A dialog box will open.
  2. Select the organization the new contact is associated with. All co-managed organizations are available. If the selected organization is a sub-organization and the parent organization is also enabled for co-management, contacts from parent organization appear as options in the Contact data selector.
  3. Select the Contact the co-managing user will be mapped to.

The new contact's data (name, email, etc.) will become the co-managing user's data.

Additional tools for resource management

  • You can import resources, using an existing similar resource as a template. Refer to Populating the Resources import template.
  • You can define Time Off Policies to manage paid time off benefits granted to your resources. Refer to Managing time off policies.
  • You can track skills, degrees, and certificates your resources have earned. Then, when you need a certified technician to perform a given task, you can use the Find Resource Wizard. Refer to Managing certificates, degrees and skills.
  • If resource productivity is something you track closely, you can define a weekly billable hours goal for your customer-facing resources. A number of reports allow you to compare the goal to the actual number of billable hours. Refer to Establishing weekly billable hours goals.
  • You can create cross-departmental teams called Workgroups that can act as filters for the Workload report and the Dispatch Calendar, and give the Workgroup leader visibility into all the projects of the Workgroup team members. Refer to Managing workgroups.
  • You can limit which other resources in your Autotask instance a user can see in picklists, resource selectors, search tables, etc. You can determine if they only see resources they share a line of business, active account, department or workgroup with. Refer to Limiting resource visibility.