Configuring Multi-currency

Have Datto provision the Multi-currency module

By default, Multi-currency is disabled. Datto must provision the Multi-currency module for your Autotask instance. This module controls whether the link to the Currencies page is available on the Admin page.

Please contact your Account Manager.

Enable Multi-currency and select your internal currency

Once your Autotask instance is provisioned with Multi-currency, a user with Admin permissions for Finance, Accounting & Invoicing must enable the feature. Refer to Enable multi-currency and select your internal currency.

Activate customer and vendor currencies and set exchange rates to your internal currency

Once you compete the previous step, all supported currencies are displayed in Autotask. The next step is to activate the currencies you will actually be using, and to set the exchange rates between your internal currency and your customer, vendor, expense and reimbursement currencies. Refer to Activate customer and vendor currencies and set exchange rates.

Set up your price lists for customer currencies

Once exchange rates are set, customer-facing documents such as quotes and invoices will show the selected customer currency. Amounts are calculated by multiplying internal prices with the current exchange rate of the customer currency.

If you rely on exchange rates to create prices in your customer currencies, the exchange risk is born by your customers. As exchange rates fluctuate, so will prices in customer currencies.

For this reason, you may want to create fixed price lists in each customer currency. Your customers pay a fixed amount in their own currency, and you bear the cost of currency conversions and the risk of currency fluctuations.

Price lists for your customer currencies are set up on the Price List page. Refer to Set prices for billing items in other currencies (when Multi-currency is enabled).

Import or manually set vendor cost in the vendor currency

The Product Importer allows you to specify a default vendor and default vendor cost for each imported product. This cost is assumed to be in the currency of the product's default vendor when it is imported. The importer does not allow per-vendor costs to be specified for any vendors other than the default vendor.

The vendor cost you enter on the product vendor table is also assumed to be in the vendor currency. You can associate multiple vendors, each with a different currency.

Refer to Associate a product with vendors.

Configure currency system settings

Positive and negative amounts can be displayed in a variety of different formats.

EXAMPLE  $78.75
78,75 €

It is possible for currencies to share a symbol (United States, Canada and Australia all use the dollar), but have different number formats. The currency system setting will determine how positive and negative numbers are displayed in Autotask.

Refer to Currency negative format when multiple currencies share display symbols and Currency positive format when multiple currencies share display symbols.

Transition existing customers to another currency

After you have enabled Multi-currency, all organizations in your Autotask instance are initially associated with your internal currency.

You can only change the currency of an existing organization if nothing has been approved and posted yet. All other customers must be transitioned to Multi-currency. Refer to Transitioning existing customers and vendors to Multi-currency.

Associate new organizations with a currency

For customer and vendor organizations you create after the Multi-currency feature is enabled, you can manually select the correct currency from the Currency drop-down menu. Alternately, you can associate a country with a currency. Then, when you are creating a new organization, the currency defaults to the currency associated with the country. Refer to Managing your Countries list.

NOTE  Manual selection at the organization level overrides any default setting via the country selection.

Associate users with a reimbursement currency

If you have team members located in multiple countries, you can associate them with an Expense Reimbursement Currency. Any expenses they incur in their own, the organization internal or a third and fourth currency will be converted and reimbursed in that currency.

Refer to Assign a reimbursement currency to a user.