Adding, editing, or copying a product

BEFORE YOU BEGIN  Unless you import a product list and your material codes are created during the import, you must set up material codes first. Refer to Material codes.

Standard products and billing products

The Product pages contain two types of items that don't have much in common and are intended for use in two completely different ways: regular products and billing products.

The two kinds of products are distinguishable by their billing type.

  • All products that were created before the 2019.2 release are regular products and are associated with the Standard billing type. They are available for selection when you create a device or a ticket, project or contract charge.
  • The second and third billing types are for use with rule based billing. Products with this billing type act more like a service. They are associated with a contact or device for the sole purpose of getting them counted by a billing rule for the same billing product.
    • Per Contact Billing Rules only: You are setting up a product that can be selected in contract billing rules to create charges to bill by the contact.
    • Per Device Billing Rules only: You are setting up a product that can be selected in contract billing rules to create charges to bill by the device.

NOTE  Devices are always the association of a regular product with an organization. A Lenovo laptop associated with ACME Corp is a device.

IMPORTANT  If you are billing by the device, you associate a Per Device Billing Rules only type product with the already existing device. Doing so will tag it to be counted by a billing rule. Billing rules can replace the billing mechanism for services or products, such as recurring services or subscriptions. They do not replace the standard products the devices are based on.

Unique features of billing products

Billing products don't function like a product in the traditional sense. It may be easier to think of them as service billing items. That's why they can't be serialized or require procurement. For the same reason, the entire Vendor section is hidden as soon as you select a rule based billing type.

On the other hand, you can set up volume based or tiered pricing for billing products.

How to...