Using variables in the HTML editor

Most pages that can be customized using the HTML editor allow you to insert variables. For a list of pages, refer to The HTML editor.

Autotask presents these variables in variable sets. A variable set contains variables that belong to a specific Autotask entity, like Organization. The exception is the Miscellaneous set, which contains a collection of variables that don't fit anywhere else.

Some variable sets contain variables that insert not just a field value. These complex variables can pull in large quantities of information. Examples of such complex variables are Ticket: History (with formatting) and Task: History (with formatting). Refer to Complex variables that need more explanation.

Fields that support Rich Text have variables available in both a Rich Text and plain text version. The default version is in Rich Text. For example, Ticket: Description uses Rich Text. Ticket: Description (plain text) uses plain text.

What variables are available?

Not every field in your Autotask instance is available as a variable, but user-defined fields for entities that support them are. For a complete list of available variables in each set refer to:

List of Autotask Variables

You can also find the list of available variables for each set right in the editor:

  1. Open a template and in the HTML editor, click the Variables drop-down menu or the Insert Variables icon.

  1. Select a variable set to show only variables for that set.

Inserting variables in the HTML editor

You can insert variables in the editor so that when a message or template is generated, information from your Autotask instance automatically replaces the variables. Variables can be displayed in a persistent drop-down list to the right of the HTML editor, or in a Variables dialog that you open by clicking the Insert Variable icon on the HTML toolbar.

HTML Editor with Variables pane (used in notification templates)
HTML Editor with Variables window (quote and invoice templates)

In both cases, you can access all the variables from a single list (the Show All Variables option) or narrow your options by selecting specific groups of variables. If the Variables pane is not displayed, click the Insert Variable icon on the HTML editor toolbar to open the Variables dialog.

NOTE  Variables can also be inserted into the Subject field of notification templates.